09 - Self Portrait

Title – Self-portrait / ස්ව ආලේඛය

(Amateur photographer / ආරම්භක ඡායාරුපශිල්පියෙක්)

Photographed by Camera – IPhone 6S

Open for ideas and criticism.

අදහස් හා උදහස් වලට විවෘතයි.

Self-portrait according to the Dictionary.com is a portrait that an artist produces of themselves.

Artists like Leonardo Da Vinci, Vincent Van Gogh, Rembrandt van Rijn, Raphael, El Greco, Pablo Picasso, Edgar degas, Jan van Eyck, Max Beckmann and Albert Durer are the first known to create well known self-portrait art as their work.

This photograph is a selfie taken from an iPhone 6S.

A selfie is a photograph that one has taken of oneself, typically one taken with a smartphone or webcam and shared via social media.

This is edited using the “Pencil sketch” tool of Picasa to make it look like a self-portrait art.

The hidden meaning of this photograph/selfie/Selfie-portrait is to create a modern take on art and fusing it with technology to create innovation in use of art with modern day to day equipment.
