14 - Attitude

Title – Attitude / ආකල්ප

(Amateur photographer / ආරම්භක ඡායාරුපශිල්පියෙක්)

Photographed by Camera – Canon: EOS REBEL T6 – EFS 18 – 55 mm

Open for ideas and criticism.

අදහස් හා උදහස් වලට විවෘතයි.

Attitude as per the dictionary

Manner, disposition, feeling, position, etc., with regard to a person or thing; tendency or orientation, especially of the mind:

A negative attitude; group attitudes.

Attitude is an image that reflects upon the state of the mind at the time I took the photo.

Currently I’m in a studious mindset focusing on academics.

And also I started reading a load of books.

Therefore this is the ideal time.

The simple purpose of this picture is to reflect upon the materializing the concept of attitude into visual media.
