08 - Is there an American in you ?

Title – Is there an American in you? / ඔබ තුල ඈමරිකානුවෙක් සිටිද?

(Amateur photographer / ආරම්භක ඡායාරුපශිල්පියෙක්)

Photographed by Camera – Canon EOS 1100D / Lens – EFS 18 – 55 mm and 75-300 mm

Open for ideas and criticism.

අදහස් හා උදහස් වලට විවෘතයි.

This simple photograph is a critical reflection of the Sri Lankan blind consumption of global multinational fast moving consumer goods. (FMCG)

This photograph have empty plastic bottles of Sri Lankan segmented global soft drink brands.
The title will open the eyes of the viewer to analyze their consumer patterns which are linked to western culture.

The photograph was influenced by Andy Warhol’s (1928-1987) art work and photography.
